Wednesday, February 21, 2007

after a long holiday!

Firstly Happy New Year to everyone! The public holiday is sorta over so i guess everyone is back to work or studies. For me i am back at the office but this time for only 2 days and soon i will have to return to Melbourne for my studies as well.

Chinese New Year was good for me. I dunno why, but this year i was pretty excited for CNY to come. I guess its cause i was away from home and finally there is some festive season that i can celebrate, and not forgetting the fact that i would be getting extra income haha. However, i realise as you grow older, CNY is not as fun as to when you were younger. The red packets get lesser, visitations also becomes lesser, but CNY is still one of my favourite festives. Besides, this year we have another addition to our family! Baby Esiaus haha, when there are kids around, its always more exciting!

This year i guess there is something new for me because i had a extra place to go haha. Well i went to leb's mum's frens place for visitation. weird huh haha, but well his mum invited so its not nice to turn down also. It felt awkward at the start, actually throughout. I just didnt feel comfortable there. His mum was friendly so was his Dad and they both tried to entertain me and stuff but sometimes by doing so it just makes me feel even more uncomfortable haha, cause whatever they offer me, to be polite i have to accept. However, it was a good experience, cause i have never visited any boyfriend's family during CNY, so its a experience i won't forget. For now at least haha.

I guess that marks my CNY. We also celebrated Susan's 21st! really very glad that i could be around to celebrate one of my good fren's 21st. Its always fun to be able to meet frens during CNY, cause you get to see everyone in their nice new clothes and can take lots of pics. I love taking pics = ) Well the 4 of us - Mel, Amy, Huey and me got her a semi precious stone earring from citigems. Hope she liked it though, its so difficult to think of what to buy for her cause she seems to have everything, and if you buy clothes for her, she won't wear it in front of you. Weird fren of mine huh, but well, i still love her..SUSAN CHIA PEK JUAN! I stayed till like 3 or 4 something in the morn?Haha but thank God I had the car so it wasnt that bad, but I love such late nites spent with frens, seriously quality time and fun haha. Wonder when it will be the next time i can do that again...

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