Sunday, April 29, 2007

sheeps and poodles?

Hi everyone! before i go to bed, i just remembered something that i wish to share with everyone. Haha i find this pretty amusing and mind boggling on how come such things can actually happen. so give me your views, tell me if you find it ridiculous. I was reading one of the major newspapers here, The Age and i came across this article on poodles and sheeps.

I think everyone reading this should know the difference between a poodle and a sheep rite? one being a dog and the other simply a sheep. But do you know in Japan there are actually people that can't differentiate between these 2 animals!Haha. The article was talking about how there is this organisation that sold sheeps as poodles to the jap people there and it was at a lower price so many were buying.

The truth came to light when this jap moviestar went on a talkshow and commented that her "poodle" won't bark or eat dog food. That was when everyone started to get suspicious. Haha when i read that i totally crackled up, how can you not be able to tell the difference between a sheep and a dog? Well they then went on to explain that sheeps were rare in japan therefore people dont't really know wat they look like. But i am really very surprised on how the people there can be so innocent and gullible. Well share with me your thoughts on this. It would be fun..haha

The article

Family Ties

April 28 2007

I realised that I always take very long to update my blog haha. I am new to this thing so i guess i need a while to navigate my way through. So please bear with my slow posts or lousy layout or watsoever. I am still trying to figure out how do you actually link your friends blog to the link thingy.

Anyways, i am back in Melbourne for about a month plus already. Its boring! i miss Singapore everytime i come back here, i guess its cause my family and frens are all back there. Over here i pretty much dun do anything, except for the ocassional lunch and dinner and meet ups with frens. Oh and not forgetting my all time favourite activity-shopping = ) Its not like in Singapore where we can go to east coast, Newton circus or something like that at any time of the day. The shops here close so early and the night life is basically clubbing and stuff which i dun do here. Boring life huh. I guess that is why i am always counting down the days to return to Singapore for my holidays always, cause that is where all the fun is. However, i have no regrets studying what i am studying now, and i am glad that i came here to study. I learn things which i really like and its so practical and would definitely be beneficial to my future career.

Now that i am over here, i read the newspapers quite a bit. This is when i realise that there are actually so many things going on the world, and sad to say they are tragedies. Take the Virginia Shootings for example. So many people just lost their lives like that. It was just an everyday routine for them to go to school, but they end up dying. Life is so unpredictable, and i can imagine the sadness the families of the victims have to go through.

When things like that happen, it just makes me realise how important my family is to me. I love each and everyone of them so so much and anything that affects them affect me as well. Have you ever thought that your parents are being a pain in the ass for nagging non stop? Or siblings getting on your nerves for fighting with you for the com? Or the remote control? Well think of this. What if one day they are not there to do such things to you anymore. Would life be very different for you? I guess its through the things they do that irritate you that will make you remember them if they are really gone one day. They will be the memories that they leave behind. It took me awhile to learn this fact-your family will be the one that will never leave you no matter what. They are the ones who will accept you for who you are, never to look down on you, always there to protect you and to love you. I just want to take this chance to tell my family "I Love You all".