Sunday, June 3, 2007

I love steamboat!

Yesterday i went to catch the "Pirates of the Caribbean 3". Coincidentally i caught Pirates 2 in melb ,and again coincidentally i had to be in front row seats again! hate it man, it just gives me a headache sitting so far in front, but at least i didn't feel giddy like the last time. Well, i think the show was pretty good, even though the ending was a bit sad. Well, not sad sad like people dying but the kind of seperation that Elizabeth and Will had to face, although it was not permanent. Can you imagine seeing your husband once in 10 years?? That is how sad man. Oops, sorry if i spoilt the ending for those of you that haven't watched it yet. But even if you guys know the ending already, go watch still. The action is good; the fight scenes, the costumes and this time round "Singapore" gets mentioned in the show although nothing about it was showed haha. And there are more Asian elements in the show this time and fatt kor is acting too. Dunno why, but the close up on him makes him look like he has bad complexion, but still good acting!
Before the show, we went for steamboat! i never expected to be able to find Singapore style eat all you can steamboat here haha. $15 bucks which is not too pricey, and there was fried noodles and rice as staple and the usual steamboat food like beef, chicken, fishball, fishcake, toufu, veg, dumplings, crabsticks etc. didnt manage to take any photos of the food at the start but only after i rampaged through the food haha.

The remains of my rampage

I love steamboat!

Doesn't look superly prettily delicious but then i loved it. The reason there is so little things left inside cause everything was so good i finished them all! Haha, steamboat always never fails to make me crave for more. Let me show you some history of my steamboats with my friends.

This was one of the earliest steamboats that i had with my poly classmates, was during mandy's bday. Should go all the way back to 2005, thats why everyone looks so different. I dunno why, but everyone looks quite "ugly" here haha, now we all look betta!

The sumptuous meal!
The after dessert and us

This was during Yoke Huey's 20th bday haha, I still remember that this steamboat dinner was supposed to be a surprise for her so the plan was to get susan to lure her out of the house and get huey's sister who as at home at that time to let us in so we could prepare.

The sly susan...doesn't she look sly??? haha

Then me and Amy had to hide at the stairs while susan was trying to get huey out of the house asap. But huey insisted on bathing! so poor me and amy were hiding at the stairs feeling all hungry and bored = ( but Susan sneaked out to bring peanut butter bread and barley for us when huey was in the shower, so funny!

The 2 boh liao woman

Another sumptuous spread
Now this was on a new years day, not chinese new year but the one you know u celebrate the begining of a new year. So yea, this was at my house. Steamboat with my frens always seem to end up at my house cause i am always the one that wants to eat steamboat haha, and we always cannot finish cause we prepare too much!
This was the last steamboat i had in Singapore before i had to come back to MelB and i tell you it was good! Its cheap like wat 12 bucks and they have quite a bit of variety and so much golden mushrooms! The tom yam soup base was shiok! I really miss it, looking forward to go back to eat again this June/July. Remember our date ok, hui shien, jiesi, and mel! Susan can come too also la! haha. By the way, its somewhere in Bugis, but i don't know the name, its like a coffeshop place.
These are the steamboats i had before, but trust me i had more, but i just didn't get to take pics on every occasion haha. My fave would have to be the one at Bugis, when i find out the name i'll tell you guys again. Gosh, stomach growling now...