I remember when i first came to melbourne it was winter. The flight was horrible and i remember that was my first experience of having to do a transit and it shall very well be the last. I puked 3 times on the domestic flight from sydney to Melbourne and i remembered so clearly that i couldn't find a freakin puke bag in the seat pocket and i ended up puking on myself. Can you imagine how terrible i felt? Missing my family and friends so much, feeling plane sick, smelling of puke, and not forgetting feeling cold = ( That was one of my most horrid rides ever, but after touching and settling down, i felt so much better.
I am also very thankful that Vince was around when i arrived. He came early in the morning to pick me from the airport and thus lightening my load as the amount of luggage i had to carry was wooh...heavy for a tiny girl like me. I actually felt that God planned this whole trip for me. When i was to arrive in Mel, ing ing was still not back from the holidays yet but Vince was there. Then when ing completed her studies, Chor han was there to accompany me. Then not long after, Yoke Huey came to study. So you can see that i was never alone in this big country but God always made sure that someone was there with me. So thankful for that. Anyways i shall now start my picture story...

One of the very first attractions i went to - The Melbourne Gaol (Jail)
The prison that housed a very well known criminal, Ned Kelly. Nothing really fantastic about this place though.

Outside the jail

Somewhere near my school
One of the very first attractions i went to - The Melbourne Gaol (Jail)
The prison that housed a very well known criminal, Ned Kelly. Nothing really fantastic about this place though.
Outside the jail
Somewhere near my school
This was when Vince taught me how to take a train to my school. When i just arrived he really helped me a lot. Applying my handphone line, learning how to take the train to school, accompanying me to explore different places etc. I really thank God for such a good friend that he provided to help me settle down.

Visiting Smith Street where most of the factory outlets are at

The beautiful view across the Yarra River

Me and Chor Han

My best friend's brother!
Visiting Smith Street where most of the factory outlets are at
The beautiful view across the Yarra River
Me and Chor Han
My best friend's brother!
Chor han was another person that made my life here in Mel not so miserable. I remember how he used to accompany me every Friday for dinner, going to watch Saw with me even though he hated the show, and filling me in with interesting news *wink wink* Haha.
When ing ing came back from her hols in Singapore, things got even better. What could i ask for more when my best friend is together with me. She made my first semester so much better for me, but the sad fact was it was my first sem and her last sem. Anyways the time spent together was still greatly treasured. She introduced me to the church i am attending now, to her cell group members whom some i still keep in contact with even though i don't attend that cell anymore, and also to different good food places! We always have days where we meet for dinner and end up ordering a whole table full or food and gorging ourselves.
This was at her place for Jessie's birthday
which was a pink party
International Students Ministry (ISM) welcome night dinner
My 20th birthday dinner, all thanks to her or i would have had a lonely 20th bday
The wonderful siblings
Vince is another one that will always be at my birthday celebrations here in Mel, thanks man. Anyways, i hate those ah ma specs of mine!
The people that shared this special day with me
After sending some of my birthday photos to Susan then, she gave me feedback that my hair was horrible and i looked like a monkey. What kind of friend is this? Haha, but now that i look back. my hair was really quite terrible then, so i decided to have my very first haircut in Mel.

I remember this was the day i had my haircut because after cutting my hair, i went for my first play at Melbourne Uni called "Karma". Super duper nice play that showed a group of people's lives from the olden days till modern times. Like what they were in their previous lives and how their lives changed every time they went through a re-incarnation.

The group of girls @ the play
The group of girls @ the play
This was the first time i went to try Han Guk Guan, you know the Korean restaurant that huey, me and the sisters went that time? I rememberi i had a super bad hair day that day because i tried to style my new hair and i ended up putting to my wax which made my hair feel so oily.
The next event in line should be bell's birthday. This was the place that i was living in the first semester anyway. And bell was one of my housemates.

The surprise party we had for her

That's Vicky, me and my bestie ing ing
Random pics along the way...

How do i look with short hair? Haha i didn't cut my hair that short la, its just that the hairstyle i had was something like a double hairstyle or whatever thingey it was. The longer part is just tucked behind.

See when they hair behind is put in front, i have long hair again

Watching my first opera...which i got super bored at. Haha and i look pregnant in this pic bleah
The surprise party we had for her
That's Vicky, me and my bestie ing ing
Random pics along the way...
How do i look with short hair? Haha i didn't cut my hair that short la, its just that the hairstyle i had was something like a double hairstyle or whatever thingey it was. The longer part is just tucked behind.
See when they hair behind is put in front, i have long hair again
Watching my first opera...which i got super bored at. Haha and i look pregnant in this pic bleah
This was during ing ing's actual birthday. I was the only one that celebrated with her on this day. Well, her cell members wanted to give her a surprise as this was her last birthday that she was going to spend in melbourne so they wanted her to think that no one remembered her actual birthday. They even sent out sms-es to tell everyone not to wish her happy birthday but how could i bear to not celebrate with her on this day! So i bought her a bottle of vodka smirnoff thats why she looks a bit tipsy.
This was the birthday surprise day. The used tealight candles to spell her name and make up a picture of a heart. This was at the carlton gardens and we were there before she arrived to make this.
Me and my bestie
Some of the girls...
During Weldy's birthday on a lunch cruise
The peaceful waters
The strong winds
Livvy's 19th birthday
After ing ing left, i didn't really go out much. I seldom joined the cell group for activities thus explaining the lack of pictures after she left. So after a long break, Susan came for a holiday!
This was in a public toilet
Trying her first Boost Juice
At Cafe Link Control
After all these, a year has passed, and its my birthday again! Dearest Yoke Huey and Sin gave me a surprise at 12 midnight. When i was nicely tucked in bed getting ready to sleep, i started seeing lightning flashes outside my door (my door has a piece of glass in the middle so i can roughly see what is happening outside), Sin was taking pictures of the birthday cake! Haha, anyway definitely a sweet surprise, this was my 21st birthday, and being away from my friends and family in Singapore, they really made me feel loved = )
Thank you once again dearies
My birthday dinner at Seoul House
Vince at my celebration again! Thanks man.
Well, that's all i have to update. My hairstyle really changed, thinking of having my bangs back when i return to Singapore, but that is just still a thought. What do you guys think? Should i have my bangs back?
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